Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wow another 6 months had pass me by

Time had flown us by and really did not realise what had transpired so quickly in the last 6 months. Events that I can recall was the accident my dear wife met one Sunday morning in April 2012. One moment she was talking to me and at the next she was lying flat on the road, after being knocked down by a motorbike. The event which shocked me and many others saw us adjusting our lives as she was not too mobile and require first a wheelchair and then crutches and thankfull is able to walk without aid now. The event also brought friends of us to be together as they gather almost nightly at my home as they cooked various kinds of meals for us and slowly the sad event became a good excuse for fellowship and happy sharings. Nightly close friends will either cook at our home or bring in the delicious dishes and we unashamely gobble the food and drinks. I use to tell them that Kar Im misfortune was a great fortune for our tummies.

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